Thursday, December 4, 2008

21 Days 'Til Christmas!! My Room Decorations!

This is the wonderful drawing donning our door because I was bored Monday night when we were having another random study party in my room. It's been partially erased and touched up more than a few times, but I enjoy it, and midnight is always a party changing the numbers with The Chipmunk Christmas Album playing in the background.

So, I decided that since I decorated my room for Christmas with the lights I got over Thanksgiving, I need to post some pictures for all to see. I figured I should include some with the normal lights on as well as off so you can see how awesome my room really is!

My Half of the room from the door.

My bed and the reconstructed picture wall!

My most amazing Jazz wall.
Includes the Poster of D. Will and Boozer, plus individual pictures of every Jazz man. Its amazing.

The Jazz Wall paired with my Weezer Concert wall.
My work space! Totally cluttered, but sorted! haha
Incredible! The view of the window from the door! I love the Christmas lights!
My awesome workspace with the Lights!

Another sweet view of the window. I just love it so much!

Most nights we leave the Christmas lights on by themselves just for a little bit longer. Morgan likes falling asleep with them on, but I can't because the only night my parents would leave the lights on all night was Christmas Eve, and I'm pretty sure its programmed into my brain to get excited and stay up all night when the lights are on all night. I really like them though because they help me not completely freak out about finals and remember the sweet things in life like Christmas and my birthday.

*Be sure to check out my post below about LOST! It's freaking awesome! I get excited every time I watch it!*

"You Found Me" : LOST : January 21, 2009

Ryan got me hooked on LOST about this time last year right after I got my new laptop. He gave me the first season, and I finished the 3rd season in the middle of the summer. I got the 4th season from him, and thinking that the 5th season would start soon, I finished them all as fast as I could. To my surprise, the 5th season doesn't start until January, so I've been trying to wait patiently for it to come. I was reminded about it today by the free downloads on iTunes, and I couldn't pass them up. Now I'm pumped for the show again, which isn't so good because its twice as far away as Christmas!!!!! This will just have to last me until then!

Make sure you watch the music video. Thats the best part. After the Teaser, 3 screens will come up, then watch the music video.