Saturday, December 12, 2009

Death Week

Here is my schedule for the following week:

Tomorrow (Saturday)-Reading Day 2

Go with Ryan to take a friend to the airport.
Leave: 8:30am. Return: ?.
Also, I need to bake cookies for my cousin and to send to all my missionary friends.
Hopefully some study time as well.

Church. Grandma's Dinner. Make Cookies/ get packages ready to send. Sleep.

Work 11-2.
Study, study, study.
PSYCH Final: 5:45-7:45. I'm gonna ace this thing.

Work 8-11
Physical Science Review 11-2.
Take Physical Science Test at 3?
Study, study, study.

Work 11-2. Hopefully take my D&C final during this time.
Study, study, study.
Hopefully make it to the temple.


Work 8-11. Hopefully submit my Jazz Final.
Study, study, study.
Sociology Final 2:30 - 4:30. I'm going to ace this one too.
Pack up to go home for the Holidays.
Take down Christmas lights and Christmas tree :(
Clean out fridge so there won't be any rotten food when I get back.
Find out when I'm scheduled for surgery the next day.
Party, party party.
Maybe, hopefully, get some sleep.

Surgery #4
Enjoy the after affects of anesthesia.
Ride home with the parents.
Hopefully not be in pain.

Spend time with Tommy.
Again, hopefully not in pain.
Maybe see some friends.
Forget about school until further notice.

That's 2 in-class, scheduled finals, 1 test on blackboard, 1 essay to write and submit, 1 test in the testing center, and a surgery.

Sound like a plan? I think so.

Let's do this!