Sunday, May 4, 2008

State Band 2008

So this last Friday was State Band, and it was a bittersweet moment in time. I had a party riding the bus up with my friends; we rocked out to random songs and had an overall good time. Everyone played with Emily's hair, and Melanie got me some funny pictures of random people sleeping so it was a good time.

When we finally got to UVSC, it was time to warm up to be ready to perform at noon. We got on stage and played our songs. It definitely wasn't our best performance but I thought we performed decently. When I asked Mr. Thompson what our scores were before the next band started to play, he gave me the disappointing news: we ended up with a II, a II-, and a III+. That was really sad, considering that we've averaged Superiors all of my other years I've been in high school, and this was my last time I'll play my sax for at least 4 months, maybe even forever. Kind of disappointing. But, the rest of the day was pretty much awesome because Brandon picked me and Tommy up at the mall, and we got to chill with him and his friends and play RockBand (My last time playing guitar/bass/drums in RockBand for a long time.) until my parents showed up to head up to the Jazz Game! Thats for the next blog!