So, I just got home a little more than an hour ago, and I'm super tired because today has been such a long day, but its been so much fun!
We were woken up this morning at 4:30 by Elysha turning on the lights and saying "I totally called it, the toilet is flooding and its 4:30 in the morning." Basically me and Kammi stayed in bed because we were so tired, but Elysha, being the good girl she is, put out towels and tried to clean up most of it. She had just gotten back into bed when our phone rang with a guy from the front desk asking if something was flooding in our bathroom. Apparently, it was leaking into the room under us, and they had called complaining. So the guy brought us more towels, and then called us again to tell us to not use the toilet. What a morning!
We got back to DSC at about 7:30, and once the doors were unlocked, we claimed our spots and got ready for rounds. Since I was doing Impromptu, I had 3 rounds to get through, and then we'd see who broke into finals. My topics were: joker, "When people start to tell you that you can't do anything, you kind of want to try it.", and Gun Control. My first speech was incredible, the second was decent, and the third, I felt so scatterbrained and lost and that I didn't make any sense at all.
Finally, postings for finals came up, and I had made it into the final round, but nobody else had broken. I was weirded out, because it was a fluke I was even put into Impromptu to begin with, and then it was a miracle I had made it to State, let alone break into the final round! Kammi, Garret, and Matt came to watch me, and my topic was awesome; "Does reality TV have a basis in reality?" and I worked it. I talked about Survivor, Big Brother, and CSI. I enjoyed it.Then we had a forever wait until awards. . . I was so nervous. No joke. We still had no idea how we had done in PF, so it was nerve wracking. Finally they told us to move into the Ballroom, and they started announcing it. First Congress, then Spar,then Oratory, then PF . . . Matt and Nash were finalists with all 3 Juab teams (Joe and Ariel, Scott and Whitney, and the 2 girls), one of the Grand teams (Zephyr and Tessie), and one from Layton Christian that didn't seem like they were supposed to be there. Joe and Ariel got 3rd, the team from Layton Christian got 2nd, and the 2 girls from Juab took 1st, which is lame because every time me and JD have gone against them, we've beaten them. I was so excited for Matt and Nash though! They ended up taking 6th overall, not too bad at all.
Then they announced awards for Extemp, LD, and finally, Impromptu. I knew I was a finalist, so I wasn't shocked when Benj announced my name to go up on the stage, but as soon as everyone was up there, he said, "In Third Place, from Richfield . . . "(This is the point where my face screwed up, and I went into shock) ". . . Lauren Bytheway." What. The. Face? I took 3rd in 2A Impromptu when it was a fluke thing I was even in Impromptu to begin with. Talk about crazy! The girl from Manti took 2nd, and David from Grand took 1st, and it came down to the final round completely. I was given a 2S, 1S, 2S in the original 3 rounds, but in the final round I was given a 1S, 3E, and a 5E. Pretty much, the 5E brought me down and I could have taken 2nd, which is disappointing, but its still cool. I'm pretty pleased with myself.
I am disappointed with PF though, not only for obvious reasons, but for the sole reason that we didn't beat Joe and Ariel. They're the only ones I wanted to crush the entire time! It's alright though, after our round with them, they were still talking to us, and it was cool, so no real hard feelings between us at least. Matt and Nash may be in a different situation with them. hehehe.
We finally got home around 9:15 after a long cold drive back into the snowstorm. We kept ourselves entertained by laughing really hard and watching Happy Tree Friends; it was basically amazing.
Anyways, thats my exciting news for the day, and I'm super tired so I'm heading to bed. I hope you enjoyed my news!!!
Oh Henry
9 years ago
Hey ,
Good Job Lauren! Thats Awesome that you took third place! Well is the show you watched good?! haha jk seeya!
congrats lauren! that's really exciting!
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